This instruction sheet will be included with all service parts belts.
Additional Parts Required
Rider and passenger safety depend upon the correct installation of this kit. Use the appropriate service manual procedures. If the procedure is not within your capabilities or you do not have the correct tools, have a Harley-Davidson dealer perform the installation. Improper installation of this kit could result in death or serious injury. (00333b)
This instruction sheet references Service Manual information. A Service Manual for your model motorcycle is required for this installation and is available from a Harley-Davidson Dealer.
Kit Contents
This kit contains one (1) drive belt.
Never bend belt forward into a loop smaller than the drive sprocket diameter. Never bend belt into a reverse loop. Over bending can damage belt resulting in premature failure, which could cause loss of control and death or serious injury. (00339a)
To prevent accidental vehicle start-up, which could cause death or serious injury, disconnect negative (-) battery cable before proceeding. (00048a)
  1. Refer to the appropriate Service Manual and follow the instructions given to remove the seat and disconnect the negative (-) battery cable. Retain all seat mounting hardware.
  2. Refer to the DRIVE BELT section of the Service Manual for belt removal, inspection, and installation procedures. For other handling tips see Figure 1 to Figure 3.
  3. Refer to the Service Manual and follow the instructions given to connect the negative (-) battery cable and install the seat.
After installing seat, pull upward on seat to be sure it is locked in position. While riding, a loose seat can shift causing loss of control, which could result in death or serious injury. (00070b)
1Minimum diameter
2Foward bend must not be less than five inches (127 mm)
Figure 1. Proper Drive Belt Handling
1Minimum diameter
2Drive belt (shown in reverse loop)
Figure 2. Improper Drive Belt Handling
1Do not twist
2Do not crimp, pinch or kink
3Do not pry
Figure 3. Improper Belt Handling