Always assume a damaged vehicle's High Voltage (HV) system is charged and energized! Wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Failure to wear PPE can result electric shock, burns and/or exposure to toxic materials which will lead to death or serious injury.
A damaged high voltage battery could ignite anytime up to 24 hours or more after being damaged. If you suspect the EV is damaged, move the vehicle to an outdoor isolation area for safety. An isolation area is a safe zone used to monitor a damaged EV. The ideal isolation area should be:
The isolation area should be able to have these conditions maintained for at least a 24 hour period. Once a vehicle is placed in the isolation area, place the proper EV floor signage provided in the essential tool kit by the vehicle. The vehicle should be stored in an upright position, so ensure that vehicle is properly secured to hold it in the upright position. If any smoke, sparks, flames, gurgling or bubbling sounds are noticed at anytime during storage, immediately call first responders. Maintain clear access to the stored vehicle for monitoring and emergency response, if needed.