The intercom allows the rider and passenger to talk with each other through the headsets. The intercom can be operated by pressing the PTT switch or by using voice operated transmission (VOX). When voice input is picked up by the rider or passenger microphone, the intercom is automatically activated. This process is known as "breaking VOX".
The rider or passenger can initiate intercom communication. When the intercom is active, tuner and media volume are automatically reduced so the intercom can be heard through the headsets.
For privacy, the intercom is only heard through the rider and passenger headsets. It is not heard through the speakers.
Microphone sensitivity and headset volume can be adjusted. The microphone sensitivity (VOX) applies to both rider and passenger microphones. The rider and passenger headset volumes are adjusted independently.
Some local governments prohibit or restrict the use of headset (helmet-mounted) speakers. Check with local authorities and obey all applicable laws and regulations.
1Intercom on/off button
2Voice activation (VOX) sensitivity level
3Minimum level (PTT activation only)
4Maximum level (open microphone, intercom on continuously)
5Intercom state (on/off)
Figure 1. Intercom Screen