VOX sensitivity should be adjusted so the microphones break VOX at normal voice volume. The sensitivity level applies to both the rider and passenger microphones.
Adjust the sensitivity as needed if the microphone breaks VOX from unintended sounds, such as road or background noise.
  1. Select Home > Com > Intercom.
  2. While speaking into the microphone, use the controls (+ and -) to adjust the sensitivity until your normal voice volume breaks VOX. The intercom icon in the status bar should be white (active) when speaking at a normal tone.
    1. Raise sensitivity: Move the level to the right. The microphone becomes more sensitive. The intercom will activate (break VOX) with quieter sounds through the microphone.
    2. Reduce sensitivity: Move the level to the left. The intercom will only activate (break VOX) with louder voice or sounds.
    3. Fully open microphone: Raising the sensitivity to the maximum level will keep the intercom microphone open continually.
    4. PTT only: Reducing the sensitivity to the minimum level will prevent any VOX operation. The intercom can only be activated with the PTT switch.