The passenger backrest has adjustable lumbar support. The firmness and height of the support can be adjusted to suit the passenger height, posture, and desired comfort.
Firmness Adjustment
See Figure 1. The adjustment knob is on the left side of the passenger backrest.
Rotate the knob clockwise to increase the angle of the support and the overall stiffness of the backrest.
Rotate the knob counterclockwise to decrease the angle of the support and increase the softness of the backrest.
Height Adjustment
  1. Open the Tour-Pak.
  2. See Figure 2. Loosen the height adjustment knob (counterclockwise) at the front of the Tour-Pak lid.
  3. Raise or lower the passenger backrest support to the desired detent position.
  4. NOTE
    If it is difficult to raise or lower the height, decrease the firmness.
  5. Hand-tighten the adjustment knob and close the Tour-Pak.
Figure 1. Backrest Firmness Adjustment Knob
1Height adjustment knob
2Detent positions
Figure 2. Backrest Height Adjustment Knob