Oil level cannot be accurately measured on a cold engine. For pre-ride inspection, with motorcycle leaning on jiffy stand on level ground, oil should register on dipstick between arrows when engine is cold. Do not add oil to bring the level to the FULL mark on a COLD engine. (00185a)
As part of the preride inspection, perform engine oil level COLD CHECK as follows:
With the motorcycle resting on the jiffy stand on level ground, unthread the filler plug cap to remove the dipstick.
Wipe off the dipstick. Insert it back into the oil pan and thread the plug cap completely into the fill spout.
See Figure 2. Remove the dipstick and verify the level of the oil. For cold check, the correct oil level should register between the two arrows (1) on the dipstick.
If oil level is at or below the lower arrow, add only enough oil to bring the level to the middle of the two marks on the dipstick.
The reverse side of the dipstick measures oil levels on Harley-Davidson models equipped with a sidecar. For the FLHRSE3, be sure the oil level measurement is taken on the side of the dipstick marked with the FULL HOT and ADD QT arrows and cross hatched scale as shown in Figure 2.
Oil Level Hot Check
Perform engine oil level HOT CHECK as follows:
Ride motorcycle until engine is at normal operating temperature.
With the vehicle resting on the jiffy stand on level ground, allow engine to idle for 1-2 minutes. Turn engine off.
Unthread the filler plug to remove the dipstick.
Insert it back into the oil pan and thread the plug completely into the fill spout.
See Figure 2. Remove the dipstick and note the level of the oil. Add only enough oil to bring the level to the FULL mark (2). Do not overfill.