Removing the Battery
  1. Remove seat. See Service Procedures → Seat.
  2. Remove right side cover. See Service Procedures → Side Covers.
  3. NOTE
    If equipped with siren: See SECURITY SYSTEM → Disconnecting Power before disconnecting power.
  4. See Figure 1. Disconnect negative battery cable (2).
  5. Remove close-out cover (4)
  6. Open clip (1) and position wiring harness (3) out of the way.
  7. See Figure 2. Disconnect Wheel Speed Sensor (WSS) connector (1).
  8. NOTE
    Use caution when removing WSS wiring from battery strap, or damage to wiring and routing tabs can occur.
  9. Remove WSS wiring (2) from routing tabs then remove wiring from battery strap.
  10. See Figure 3. Remove battery strap.
    1. Unlock retaining clip (7).
    2. Disconnect back tab (1) from battery strap (3) to battery tray (4).
    3. Disconnect front left tab (2) from battery strap to battery tray.
    4. Remove battery strap.
  11. Disconnect positive battery cable.
  12. NOTE
    If engine oil dipstick is removed, cover oil fill spout with a clean rag to prevent oil contamination.
  13. Remove engine oil dip stick if necessary.
  14. Using one hand, push up and back on top of battery with palm of hand.
  15. Place other hand under battery, grasp with both hands and remove battery.
  16. Remove battery.
Installing Battery
Connect positive (+) battery cable first. If positive (+) cable should contact ground with negative (-) cable connected, the resulting sparks can cause a battery explosion, which could result in death or serious injury. (00068a)
Connect the cables to the correct battery terminals. Failure to do so could result in damage to the motorcycle electrical system. (00215a)
    Verify battery is under tab on Electronic Control Module (ECM) caddy, upper left corner on back side.
  1. See Figure 3. Install battery into battery tray (4).
  2. Install engine oil dip stick if removed.
  3. Connect the positive battery cable to the positive battery terminal. Tighten. 8.1–10.8 N·m (72–96 in-lbs)
  4. Install battery strap (3).
    1. Position battery strap.
    2. Connect front left tab (2) on battery strap to battery tray.
    3. Connect back tab (1) on battery strap to battery tray.
    4. Lock retaining clip (7).
  5. See Figure 2. Install WSS wiring (2) to battery strap.
  6. Connect WSS connector (1).
  7. See Figure 1. Position wiring harnesses (3) and lock clip (1).
  8. Connect negative battery cable (2) to negative battery terminal. Tighten. 8.1–10.8 N·m (72–96 in-lbs)
  9. Install close-out cover (4).
  10. NOTE
    Verify all close-out tabs are fully seated into battery strap.
  11. Install right side cover. See Service Procedures → Side Covers.
  12. Install seat. See Service Procedures → Seat.
2Negative battery cable
3Wiring harness
4Close-out cover
Figure 1. Negative Battery Cable and Close-Out Cover
1WSS connector
2WSS Wiring
Figure 2. WSS and Wiring
1Back tab
2Front left tab
3Battery strap
4Battery tray
5Front tab
6Front slot
7Retaining clip
Figure 3. Battery Strap and Tray: (Removed for clarity)