  • Determine if lumbar pad is desired before adjusting handlebars and risers.
  • To allow for reuse, install lumbar pad screws into back of lumbar pad after removal.
  1. See Figure 1. Remove seat.
  2. Remove screws (1) and washers (2) from the lumbar pad (4).
  3. Remove screws (3) from the nameplate (5).
  4. Remove nameplate from lumbar pad.
  5. Place nameplate on seat.
  6. Install screws into nameplate. Tighten screws.
  1. See Figure 1. Remove screws (3) from nameplate (5).
  2. Place nameplate on lumbar pad (4).
  3. Install screws in nameplate. Tighten screws.
  4. Insert lumbar pad on seat.
  5. Install screws (1) and washers (2) to lumbar pad. Tighten screws.
  6. Install seat.
1Screw (2)
2Washer (2)
3Screw (2)
4Lumbar pad
Figure 1. Lumbar Pad