This vehicle contains a high voltage Rechargeable Energy Storage System (RESS). An improperly handled or damaged RESS can cause electrical shock and/or fire, which will result in death or serious injury.
RESS must only be serviced by a qualified technician using proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Do not touch RESS connecter terminals with fingers, tools, jewelry, or other metal objects.
Do not disconnect, disassemble, or use RESS for other than its intended use.
Improper charging, impact or exposure to fire can damage the RESS.
A damaged RESS can leak electrolyte and/or generate flammable gas.

A damaged Rechargeable Energy Storage System (RESS) can leak electrolyte. Contact with electrolyte will cause serious chemical burns or blindness.
Always wear proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) while handling RESS.
If electrolyte comes in contact with eyes, skin, or clothing, rinse affected area with clean water and seek medical attention immediately.
See Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for more details available at sds.livewire.com.

Always assume a damaged vehicle's High Voltage (HV) system is charged and energized! Wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Failure to wear PPE can result electric shock, burns and/or exposure to toxic materials which will lead to death or serious injury.
Damage to a high voltage battery may result in immediate or delayed release of toxic/flammable gasses and/or fire.
Exposed HV components, wires, and batteries present high voltage shock hazards.
Venting of vapors/gasses from HV batteries may be toxic and/or flammable.

Never pierce, cut, pry or dismantle any of the vehicle’s structure to get water to the battery or battery compartment. Contact with high voltage components can occur causing electrical shock, which will result in death or serious injury. (09934b)

Misused or abused lithium-ion batteries can get hot, explode or ignite, or potentially release gas, smoke or liquid. Always follow battery safety precautions. Misuse or abuse of lithium-ion batteries could result in death or serious injury. (07729b)
If the high voltage battery is damaged during an accident, and the battery is penetrated, gasses may be released. These gasses may form explosive mixtures with the air. If vehicle is in a structure, open all doors or windows to vent the gasses to the outside. Keep open flames, sparks and any source of ignition away from the vehicle. If the vehicle is burning, the fire may incinerate the high voltage battery cells. The excessive heat may cause the cells to vent.
Use water to fight a high voltage battery fire. If the battery is on fire, exposed to high heat, or is releasing heat or gases, use large amounts of water to cool the battery. Do not try to extinguish the fire with a small amount of water. It can take a very large amount of water, applied directly to the battery, to fully extinguish and cool down a battery fire; always establish an additional water supply. If water is not immediately available, use dry chemicals, CO2, foam, or another typical fire-extinguishing method to fight the fire until water is available.
Emergency Response → Inspection → Temperature Check Area. After all fire and smoke has visibly subsided, a thermal imaging camera or non-contact temperature gun can be used to monitor the temperature of the high voltage battery and the trend of heating or cooling. Fire, smoke, or heating must not be present in the battery for at least one hour before the vehicle can be released to other personnel, such as law enforcement, vehicle transporters, etc. The battery must be completely cooled before releasing the vehicle or otherwise leaving the incident. Always advise other personnel that there is a risk of re-ignition and fire.